SBS Export Market Overview (2024-02)
By DALIAN RICHON CHEM | Posted: 5/31 , 2024 p >

India is the main export destination of SBS in China, with a total export volume of 7,475.78 tons from January to April, accounting for 20.21% of the total export volume. As a neighboring country, India has convenient export conditions and its trade cooperation with China continues to deepen. The volume of SBS exported to India has also increased year by year, from more than 1,000 tons in 2019 to 12,200 tons in 2023, a significant increase of 591.68%. The volume exported to India in 2024 is expected to continue to maintain a growth trend; followed by European countries such as the Netherlands and Italy, mainly due to the supply of some Huizhou Li Changrong factories to supplement the supply gap of Li Changrong in Taiwan, China.
DALIAN RICHON CHEM regular exported SBS to Indian, in addition to China brand SBS, LG brand SBS also popular and be exported every month.